You don't know where they come from
It is easy to see the dirt, the failure and faults. It is tempting to judge others for it, but do we understand the slippery road they traveled, the dirty ground they had to tread and the resistance they encountered, through it all? May be the fact that they are in one piece is and standing is a miracle, as one is saved from the debris of explosion. What if the dirt and failure in their life is hardly a contrast to the things they went through and survived?
We all have strength and qualities that are nurtured and developed either by our upbringings and the society we lived in, which has placed us at advantage. By the grace of God we are what we are. What we are is the reflection of how goodly and badly guided and supported to be what we are. The question is should our advantage be a source of compassion or judgement, when we encounter those who are not measuring up to our height of strength and standards?
Read Zechariah Chapter 3
Here we see the High priest, who was the representative of the people, who could lead by example was at a trial for his dirt on his priestly robe that resulted from his failures. He was accused of it by Satan; the accuser of the brethren. But God knows the Joshua’s story. He rebuked Satan saying “is not this a brand plucked out of fire? God knows where Joshua came from, the Babylon captivity, a land of idols and unrighteousness, where even Daniel, Shadrach, Mischac and abednego almost lost their life in it. God understood what Joshua was up against. God knew even his survival was a miracle. Babylon was a death trap of those who lived in righteousness. If it was not for God three of them must have burnt in a fire and one of them thorn to pieces by lions.
In the same way we do not what anyone has been through but where they are. Thus, we should be more compassionate than judgemental, caring than isolating, dressing in dignity than undressing in humiliation. Compassion, care and dignifying is the character of God. The prodigal son, the woman at the well, Mary and us who believed in Christ were saved by a God who cared and has compassion on us and clothed us in the robe of righteousness, honour and title even the mighty angels does not have to be called a child of God, heir of God and many more.
And the devil has no pity for a man who just survived a great danger of his personal and spiritual life. Just as Joshua inhales the breeze of freedom Satan accused him. We had such a God who does empathise with our circumstances and infirmities; who defended and dressed Joshua with a new clothing and took away his dirt that has become a cause of accusation and reproach.
After his accuser is rebuked, after he is clothed in rich robes, after he is restored, after he is affirmed, God admonished Joshua of how he should walk and what he should do, as any loving father would. And God renewed his office of High Priest. God is a God restoration. He is much willing to restore, have mercy and bless than break, judge and destroy. As dear children of God we are to look at others compassionately, with dignity and admonish in order to restore them, not for the sake of it.
We are to take the nature of our father rather than the accuser. Please by all means admonish but admonition should come after affirmation and the purpose of admonition is not to just reproach and humiliate but guide and restore. Especially when we don’t know the background.
Did not Jesus embarrassed the accusers of a woman caught in adultery? Did He not ask her where are your accusers? Did he not release her saying “go” before he admonished her by saying “sin no more”. So we should be known for our graciousness as our father, our Lord and Holy Spirit are. Out of Jesus fullness we received grace on the top of grace, If so, this grace should overflow to others especially when they need it.
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