If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most to pitied. 1 Corinthians 15:19
Life is sweet; few leave it happily. Life is short; we experience little of what this world can offer us. Life is bitter, unfair, and bad; for people suffer much. We will have some grievances that could not be consoled in this world. If we experience life for a few decades, suffer and have no compensation for what we lost on this earth, we are most to be pitied.
There are billions of planets and unlimited space, but most of us live less than a century crammed in one city. How pitiful of all the billions of planets we could enjoy. It seems the universe mocks us with its possibilities.
Life is the greatest gift we will ever have. Yet eternal life is incomparable to anything. If eternal life is real, it will be more important than the air you breathe. If there is a good chance of eternal life, making sure that we gain it is more important than the food we eat. Some kill for eternity; others die for it. Some even kill to add years in this life. Some go great lengths to save time. Time is the most precious substance in the world. Time is life. If we only had enough time, the things we could do, the places we could travel would be nearly limitless. If not for the limit of time, almost everything is possible. If eternity is real, almost everyone would swap this short life for it. Eternal life would be a life of no regrets or stress, for we will have all the time in the world.
The concept of unlimited existence is evident in the most fundamental entities of creation like time, space, matter. There is no limit to time, there is no limit to space and matter in the universe. There is no limit to numbers we can use. You can count forever if you have the time. Infinity is the word we use for the unlimited things that exist. Atoms also exist forever and cannot be destroyed. The concept of eternity, infinity or unlimited presence or existence is a proven and an accepted fact in those three most fundamental entities of time, space, and matter. The question is, can we humans live forever?
Immortality is true religion and biology. Jellyfish species that have been named immortal and can live indefinitely. It has an inbuilt mechanism to reverse itself back to youth whenever it experiences trauma. It has no brain, blood, or bones, and has the best chance of indefinite life. It seems that God has left us a biological example of the possibility of eternal life that even the brainless, spineless and bloodless have immortality.
There is much evidence that shows there is eternity or life after this life. Many have experienced the spiritual world that we will enter when we die. Some have seen the spirits of people who have died.
Abraham Lincoln’s ghost in the White House had been witnessed by credible people, like Churchill, the Queen of Netherlands and a few American presidents, who all had much reputation and positions to lose if they even mention that kind of experience and risk being ridiculed as insane. These people witnessed a dead person living even after centuries. These experiences are not exceptional to the leaders of the world. There are thousands of people who have experienced the next dimension of life either through near death experiences or induced through anesthetics that facilitates the loss of sensation and feeling.
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