20. The kingdom of God


For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.



I heard stories of individuals who sold their kidneys to pay to immigrate to a developed country to better their life. People walked, swam, hitchhiked through the desert and sea to get to Europe. Some drowned, died of accidents and suffered much trying to get to the best destination. Anyone can get to the kingdom of God, which is much better than anything you know, and you can enter it from your sofa! Every nation, society, group, family and individual are seeking a utopia, a paradise. When one finds such a place, they will do anything to enter it. Food and drink only help us live; what crowns our life is righteousness or in plain words the right way of living, peace, and joy. Where there is no righteousness, there is no peace, where there is no peace, there is no joy.

     The kingdom of God on earth is a preview of heaven on earth until we get there. It is an extension of God’s hand in this world. It is the reign of God. It manifests the glory of His holiness, character, power, and majesty. 

     The kingdom of God is the manifestation of heaven on this earth.  It is the projection of heaven on the earth. Often it is like the sun that comes from above to shine in everything we do. Like the sun, it affects how we feel, what we desire, even what we wear. In the kingdom of God, this sun also resides in the hearts of its citizens. 

     To see clearly what heaven is playing or projecting, we need to create a smooth screen to have an undeformed picture of heaven here on earth. To see things heaven manifests, we first must live in righteousness. As I said before, there is no peace and prosperity without righteous citizens and government. Without this, you can’t build a worthy place to live or a utopia we desire.  




Safety and security are as necessary as the food we eat. And without righteousness, there is no safety and security. Who would you like to live in a world where one is always in fear and instability? Where you are in constant worry of getting cheated, lied to, hurt, or robbed? No growth and productive thing can be accomplished in such an environment. Economic or any other form of development is linked to how righteous the government, society, and individuals are. Otherwise, corruption, injustice, and immorality will fill the land resulting in a decrease in the quality of life and prosperity. That is why righteousness is a primary concern for God.

     Righteousness, or living life in line with God’s principles, increases peace of mind. No sane person does live with himself happy after thinking, speaking wrongly and misbehaving.  Our quality of life is dependent on what we think, say, and do. Therefore, righteousness is also essential in our personal life. The moral standard that says you are to treat others as you would like to be treated and love your neighbor as yourself is the main rule that governs the kingdom—a place where everyone owes love to everyone.

     This kind of life is not possible without the help of God. That is why God gives us the grace, the love, and power to practice righteousness. This is available for all who come to God through Jesus Christ.

For more refer to the book on https://www.amazon.com/dp/1399927167

Or email at: elias1707@gmail.com

