21. The Christian life


The Christian life


Abide in me I in you. Jesus





The Christian life is a life of relationship with God and one another. We ought to know our Heavenly Father with whom we spend our lives forever with. Those who diligently seek to know Him will make a true and powerful BFF. Being a friend of God requires making history with Him. Abraham was called a friend of God because He built a trusting and faithful relationship with God.

     Having a relationship with God enables us to grow in the likeness of Him. As we spend time with Him, He will infuse His nature in us. We spend time with God by reading the Bible, praying and worshiping or by just sitting in silence thinking about Him in the Bible story we read. He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. 

     We must be just like Daniel who faithfully built a daily close relationship with God despite the pressure from his pagan and magician colleagues who got in the way of his relationship with God. Once they threw him in the lion dungeon because he prayed to God. The relationship he built with God was able to save him when he was in trouble. With his faith and supernatural wisdom he demonstrated he was able to influence kings, kingdoms and influenced the time he lived for better. 




Christianity is a transformative lifestyle. It is mainly focused on the internal matters, like thoughts, desires, attitudes and temperaments which are on play on the outside. It is what we think and feel inside of us that manifests in our actions. Therefore, we need to have a mental transformation before our act transforms.  Jesus said it is out of the heart where the issues of life come from, so we need to have the right knowledge, Have a correct perception, mentality and values to act right and in a godly way.  

     Our speech should also be disciplined so we can affect those who hear us for better. Sometimes what we say can affect others more than our actions. Therefore, our speech should be true and gracious with the right tone. Often people offend someone else because of the way they communicate or what they say. 

     As children of God, we ought to act in a godly way as an example to the world. We are the light in this dark world. We are appointed as representatives of God. Therefore, what we do and how we act influences others for good. So faith and what we believe should be manifested to others in some way as Jesus said let your life so shine so that they might see your good work and glorify God. Our good works encourage others to do the same, creating a virtuous cycle that benefits many.

For more refer to the book on https://www.amazon.com/dp/1399927167

Or email at: elias1707@gmail.com
